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Latest News Post: New Index - Fits all Resolutions
Last Update: 28th September 2004

| Posted by Smasher9a | September 28, 2004 | - New Index - Fits all Resolutions

That's right i have finally had a good 5 - 8 hours to sit back and work on my site. EVERY page is now 100% made to look its best regardless of what resolution you have. I know thousands of other website's on the net are like this and have been for ages but not many people have written all the code for it on their own.

About an hour or more was spent on testing with both Internet Explorer and Fire Fox and i didn't find anything wrong. Although i do get slack towards the end of a job so there still may be link errors. If there are i would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to Click Here and let me know.

The following are all the sub domains that i have spent time updating:

As you can all see under the banner there is a small bar the features 3 things:
Left: Link to the old index - old style of the site is still alive for all that liked that.
Middle (Only on the main page): Latest news post heading
Right: The date that particular page was last updated. All are set to 28th September 2004 and will be till updates are made.

What's next you ask? I have been contacted by the co-owner of the Apocalypse Server and have arranged to host there site as a sub domain. I do apologies to them as i have been slack getting back to them but i will start working with them in the next week. Hopefully we will see up by mid to late October.

Also i am not stupid, i know its only the 25th but this was planned for the 28th as a dedication to the 10th year of C&C. That's right Command & Conquer (later renamed Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn) was released in North America 10 years ago today (28th).

| Posted by Smasher9a | June 15, 2004 |

As you can see there's now a new banner to make it fit in with the setup of the site. I am considering taking down the tactics section when i run out of storage space, that is still a few months away probably but in the meantime i would really like some feedback on what anyone thinks about them, Click Here to e-mail me and let me know,


| Posted by Smasher9a | April 09, 2004 | is born! I am final out on my own, no more hosting from Fubar or Dangerous Gaming. Although this means my bandwidth is much lower it also means permanent and full access to FTP so I may be able to take on a few helpers in the near future.


| Posted by Smasher9a | February 15, 2004 |

All the videos have been revamped, many people were emailing saying that videos were not playing and they needed codec's but that didn't know witch ones. I fixed that problem in a few simple changes; all videos are now BINK Videos , a video inbuilt with a standalone media player.

Along with this I am happy to say that Under has now joined the exploits list, only 3 exploits but it's a start.

In total there are now 22 tactics/exploits totaling 66.4mb


| Posted by Smasher9a | February 4, 2004 |

Hello and Welcome to the brand new Tactics page, some of you may remember the old tactics page, well that had to go down because it was taking up nearly 1GB of out 6GB limit, the new one will have much smaller files and excellent quality because of new video compression software.

Over time it will grow till it has every exploit available for the original maps, who knows maybe it will start to have a few of the popular fan maps :)

If you want to become a part of the exploit team please E-Mail me, please not you must have at least one exploit not already on this site. to be considered.


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All logo's, design and page layouts are ©Copyright 2003 - 2004 Smasher9a